Play your part


Thank you so much!

Everything that happens in our church is only possible because of God’s generosity and people’s giving. We’re so grateful to the many people who give regularly to our church and if that’s you, thank you so much!


Give by Standing Order

You can make a standing order/bank transfer directly to Blackpool Church from your online banking or banking app, or by contacting your bank and giving them an instruction.

Sort code: 05-02-67

Account number: 25700636

Account name: St John’s Church Blackpool

Quote reference: yoursurname&initial/GIVING


Give by Payroll Giving

Many employers offer payroll giving or ‘give as you earn’ which allows you to give directly to St John’s Church from your salary before tax is deducted. To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office. If you use payroll giving, your gifts will not be eligible for gift aid, as you will not have paid tax on the amount.


Don’t forget Gift Aid

Gift Aid is for UK taxpayers and boosts your giving by 25% without costing you anything.

Either select "Claim Gift Aid" when donating through our Online Giving platform or fill out and submit the Gift Aid form linked below.


Working with others

As a church, we want to be generous in giving away as well as receiving. We know we can’t do everything so we give financially to partner organisations around the world and in our town. Each year, we aim to give away 10% of any unrestricted giving we receive.

We’re also grateful for the support of other organisations who have enabled the ministry of Blackpool Church through training, resources and money. Special thanks to:

  • The Benefact Trust

  • Garfield Weston Foundation

  • The Joseph Rank Trust

  • The Laing Family Trust

  • The Church Revitalisation Trust

  • The Church Commissioners’ Strategic Development Fund

  • Blackpool Council